Notice for ACE Effective Date

OCEANAIR, Inc. is reminding our clients that effective March 31, 2016, Customs Border Protection (CBP) is moving to their new Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) entry processing system

Finally, after 20 years in the making, this new technology is now coming to fruition. However, for anyone installing new software at any time in your business understands that systems upgrades are not always perfect. We are in good position for the final push to ACE but cannot guarantee there will be no delays. As of Thursday, all filers across the country must be filing in ACE, and there could be delays in processing time. We want you to be aware of these possibilities and we will be monitoring the situation carefully. 

OCEANAIR has been filing ACE Cargo Release entries since September 2014, and ACE Entry Summaries since September 2015. The ACE entry system requires additional information which is currently not required. We may ask you for information that we have not asked for before. This will mainly be for those of you who import products that may require action by other agencies including, but not limited to FDA, Fish & Wildlife, DOT, etc. If we need information, OCEANAIR will follow up with you for this. For the most part, this should be a seamless process to our import customers. PWe thank you for your continued business support. 

If you have any questions, please contact OCEANAIR Compliance at (978) 286-2700 or by email.

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