Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) Updated in the Automated Export System (AES)

Effective immediately, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) table has been updated in the AES. AES will accept shipments with outdated codes during a grace period for 30 days beyond the expiration date. Reporting an outdated code after the 30 day grace period will result in a fatal error. The AESDirect program has been updated and will accept shipments with outdated codes during the grace period as well. All AESPcLink users must update their AESDirect code tables to reflect the changes in the HTS.
Please note, code tables updated via the program automatically for web users of AES Direct who file via the website at http://aesdirect.census.gov.


Download the HTS table.


View the current list of HTS codes that are not valid for AES. 

lease contact your OCEANAIR representative with any questions.